Tuesday 10 December 2013

Activity 1 - Robot (3/12/13)

For this task we were asked to model a robot as a practice using Cinema 4D. Firstly I added a cube.

This is the body for my robot, to make the cube the shape i want i need to scale it. I used the attributes window and changed the coordinates of my cube, this can also be changed with the scale tool, but i prefer to use the coordinates.

This is the shape i was looking for, now i'm happy with it i need to make the legs and arms.

To make it easier for me i copied and pasted the shape i made then scaled it for the arms. Then for the other arm i copied and pasted (cmd + C then cmd + V) again so they were the same scale.

I didnt want the arms straight down the side of the body so i decided to rotate them, i pulled the blue axis so it rotated it on the axis.
 Every one of the cubes are copied from the fist cube.

This is my finished robot, its not detailed but its my first model on the software. I am finding the software hard to get my head round but I feel i'll be able to learn and use the basics fairly quick.

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