Tuesday, 25 March 2014

3D modelling evaluation

3D Modelling Evaluation

For this unit we were asked to model 6 different objects either related to each other or nothing to do with each other. I decided to keep it simple and keep the models related; my first idea was to create 6 different objects from Hunger Games but then I decided it would be more interesting to re-create a scene so I chose Alice in Wonderland. Alice in Wonderland is a popular American fantasy film, which was remade in 2010 by Tim Burton, with his crazy visuals within films I knew this would be fun to make. I had a look at a few different images of Alice in Wonderland tea party and knew that was what I wanted to make it was fun and recognisable. When the decision was made to re-create this scene I knew I would have to make more than 6 models. This was a challenge for me, I was a beginner on the software Cinema 4D so I knew I had to push myself and put the effort in to learn the software if I wanted to make this. I took it upon myself to get the software and practice at home, so I made Rapunzel’s tower this helped me understand the construction side of Cinema 4D and how to make it easier for me when modelling.
The scene I made is fun a vibrant with different models to look at including cupcakes, rabbit table, mad hatters hat, caterpillar and many other interesting objects that relate to Alice in Wonderland. I used Tim Burton’s version of the film as inspiration for my own model as I need it to be recognisable but have my own style and twist on the models. I achieved this by creating similar looking models but putting them in the place they would be, for example Mad hatters hat is above his chair to create the Illusion he’s there and that’s where he would sit.

I encountered many problems whilst working on this project. I may have put the time and effort in to learn how to use the software but there is so many things you can do on Cinema 4D so when making some of the tricky models like mad hatters hat I found it hard to make the fabric cloth around the hat but I worked around it and had some help of my tutor, from that help that allowed me to explore even more and learn more skills.  When I began to create my models I had made a Tim Burton style table, I had a lot of help with this but once rendered we realised it was way too many polygons so I had to come up with a different ideas to make this much easier, this was just one of the things I had to deal with through out this process.

At the beginning of this assignment I remember telling my tutor this was one of the worst units we has personally and that I could not use the software, I now love working with Cinema 4D. I am proud of my progress in the software and how much time and effort I applied to this unit. I took the brief, an expanded on what we had to do for our final project making 21 models not including copied models, this shows the work and time I’ve put in, I also managed to finish the unit ready for the deadline.

Monday, 17 March 2014

Home project - Rapunzel's tower

Rapunzel's Tower

When given the 3D modelling assignment and i'd finally got the Cinema 4D software at home i decided to have a practice at home so i can gain more skills and knowledge ready for me to create my final models. It helped to take it upon myself to practice making objects at home in my own time. I decided to make Rapunzel's tower.

This is the template i used to make an outline of the tower. I decided that making it in sections would make it simple more detailed and easier to edit later on if needed. 

Firstly i need to open up this template into Cinema 4D. I do this by clicking onto front viewport and pressing Shift+V this brings up the coordinates manager in which i press back and then upload it.

This brings the image up on a grid with the Y and X axis. I started with making the base of the tower. I did this by making an outline with the bezier tool which creates a spline. I need to make sure thats along the Y axis and that each end meets the Y axis so when i put the LatheNURB on and make the spline a child of the Lathe it can create a 360 degree spin of my spline, this can be altered if necessary.

As you can see i've created this in sections, the base of the tower needs a little work to make the edges more clean and smooth.

This was the hardest part of the model, once i made it i noticed it needed a side window so i had to move the top to the right a bit so i could make the window, i made that with a cube then extruded from there. 

As you can see here the base of the roof is jagged and thats something i would have to sort out. I am not adding any materials to this as it was just a practice task to help me with my models in college, it helped a lot with my final projects.